New Local Labour Market Plan


Setting the Course: Navigating the North Superior Workforce in 2022–2023

March 2022 | Rachel Rizzuto and Dr. Martin Lefebvre

To no one’s surprise, the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and labour market has manifested itself in various ways. The first is the noticeable shift in one’s relationship to work, whether this be what individuals are looking for in a job or how they work (such as working from home if they can). For the service providers, there were noted coordination challenges. For some providers, there has been staff turnover and job hopping, which can impact the flow of referrals between agencies.

The report is broken up into four sections, the first of which is the Local Labour Market Consultations, where expertise from a range of community actors provided insights on current labour market conditions. Following this section is a statistical breakdown of the labour force and employers in the NSWPB region. The third section focuses on the experiences of Employment Ontario (EO) service providers, and data on their EO programs. Finally, based on findings from the first three sections, the last section outlines action items for the NSWPB going forward.

At the end of the day, the goal of the North Superior Workforce Planning Board (NSWPB) is to support the labour market and economies of local communities. Building off last year’s Local Labour Market Plan, this would involve providing evidence-based research, engaging and connecting key players, and developing programs and tools for the NSWPB over the next year.


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 This report was created as part of the Northern Analyst Collective. This project allows members to “time share” a professional policy analyst. By merging our collective resources we can ensure that the smallest municipality or local charity can access high-end skills at an affordable cost. For more information on the program click here.


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